Category Archives: product simulation marketing

Successful selling by using simulations to put your prospects in their own (future) success story

I just saw this interesting post that excerpts “Stories that Sell”, but Casey Hibbard, or “The Power of Success Story Marketing.”  The gist of this excerpt is that “[w]e [customers] trust what others say much more than what a business itself says,” and that presenting customer experiences as case studies is a more effective marketing tool… Read More »

Can Simulations make Content Marketing for Products more Relevant?

Nice post by David Dodd of Marketing Interactions, entitled “Does Your Content Marketing Make You Different?”.

Leading off with “Being recognized as unique, different and desirable is what every company strives to achieve to stand out in their marketplace”, David describes how our mentality as vendors still often makes us think that our customers will believe what we ourselves think is different about us. However, the reality is almost the opposite: the more we try to stand out with distinctive phrases or pitches, the more we end up inadvertently sounding exactly like our competitors.

Coming across ‘Engagement Marketing’ and ‘Experiential Marketing’

I came across the term “engagement marketing” recently through Twitter  (hey, it even has a Wikpedia page, maybe something I can create for product sim marketing once I figure out what to say!).  Through Wikipedia, then I saw an entry for “experiential marketing“. Of course anyone could have made up those pages, but the materials… Read More »

It’s about the Engagement, Stupid!

It may be almost two decades since the original President Clinton’s campaign slogan, but I think it’s appropriate for today’s emphasis on engaging users.  The typical talk today is on how to engage through social media, but my take is really about engaging prospects with products directly, rather than the brand as a whole. I… Read More »

Settling in on ‘Product Simulation Marketing’

Coming up with the correct wording is essential for any task.  I have been uncomfortable with the terms “simulation-based marketing” and “simulation-based advertising”, because they sound like one is simulating the marketing or simulating the advertising.  However, I have liked those terms because they can get meaning from analogy to “simulation-based training.” I have come… Read More »

Digging into Simulation Research for Sim-Based Marketing

I am still pretty consumed with thoughts of fleshing out simulation-based marketing, or perhaps it is more appropriate as ’simulation-based advertising.’   Of course part of the process in thinking out this area is to dig into research about what makes simulations effective for training. Ever since I met Will Thalheimer of several years ago,… Read More »